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Showing posts from September, 2008

Tours de Flours

What a day it was!! Last Saturday I woke up at the crack of dawn(5 am) to get ready for the race. Breakfast:oatmeal with brown sugar and dried fruit- Check! Mandarin Orange Spark for Energy- Check! Kick Butt race shirt and bib- Check! Directions to the Race- Check! I was ready to go. After the hour long drive to the Dallas Arboretum my adrenaline was pumping and I was eager to make it to the start line. Only problem was, evidentally about 5,000 other people were too! The gun sounds marking the beginning of the race. I literally walked 7 minutes before crossing the start line and then jogged for another 2 miles before I finally made it to my pace group. I must admit that I was a bit frustrated because I knew my PR for a 10K was shot due to a slow start. Looking back, I see this slow start as a symbol of my spritual journey. So often, I jump the gun with the Lord, wanting to sprint to the finish line of tasks He sets before me. But because He knows me better than I know myse