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Showing posts from May, 2008

Not so Ordinary

We went to church with my brother and his awesome wife while we were visiting last weekend and the preacher started his message with an idea that's really got me thinking. He talked about the fact that Jesus was very ordinary, ordinary looking that is. There were no orbs of light surrouding his head, or a choir of angels to announce his coming. In fact, he pointed out that if you were to look at a picture of Jesus sitting with his disciples, more than likely Jesus would have blended right into the group. Now of course Jesus' ministry was anything BUT ordinary. Everything that he did set him apart from those around him. So for the past few days I have been pondering on a couple of things. First of all, I thank God that Jesus took on human form to come and be crushed for our iniquities. I know that there is not a single struggle that I will face that Jesus did not encounter while he walked the earth. He was tempted by Satan himself, he experienced suffering and grief and j


This weekend I am in Louisiana visiting my little brother and his wife to celebrate his college graduation. We are staying in the city that holds some of my fondest memories of my life with Blake as well as a few from my high school days. Today I created another day of simple, but priceless memories in this city that still feels like home to me! The best part of the day began after my afternoon nap(yes, I am applying what I have learned from my previous post). The kids were a little restless with energy that needed to be expended as was I, so my brother took us to a new city park. Evan played with Tyler on the playground while my mom took Katy for a walk so I could go for a long bike ride. I was able to breathe in this environment that my heart at times aches for. Hundreds of trees danced above me singing about their Creator with the rustling of their leaves. Magnolia blossoms caught my nose and reminded me of the sweetness of my great-grandmother who treasured their scent as i

Be Still and...REST!!!

I struggle with being still. Unless I am laying out by a swimming pool soaking up some rays, I feel this inner angst if I am just sitting. Even when I go to bed at night, my mind races for about an hour thinking of all of the things that I could be or should be doing. After all, there is ALWAYS something to be done with 2 kids between laundry, bottles to feed, playtime, and household chores. On top of that, I love being connected with friends, so all of my free time is spent either running(errands or for exercise) or with my girlfriends. I just CAN NOT take time to rest, because everything WOULD NOT get done. This weekend, our pastor talked about the importance of rest, REAL rest, and I must admit that I felt VERY convicted. I realized that in the midst of my busyness and hurried life, I am missing out on a fundamental principle God wants for my life. If I am constantly on the go, even if it is doing things for Him, I am not allowing time to HEAR FROM HIM!! But maybe, just mayb

Look Mom!! No Hands!!

Potty training has become very entertaining in our house. Now that Tyler has learned how to use the "big boy potty", he wants to venture out and try new things. At the moment, his favorite thing to do is water the grass. And by the water the grass I do mean pee on the grass. He will make a mad dash from his bedroom first thing in the morning to get to the back yard in enough time to potty with the dogs! How fun is it to be a boy?!?! On Mondays, we have a play day with two of my dear friends, Andi and Robin, and this week we had the 6 kiddoes at Andi's house. The weather was perfect so we sent the boys to the backyard to play while we had some much needed mommy time. I peeked outside in just enough time to catch Tyler's "I have to go potty" face. So I rushed out and ran him to the fence. Much to my dismay, my child stripped down completely(yes, he was buck naked) and beckoned for Toby to come and join him as he watered the fence. As my face turned a crimson s

Awesome Photographer!!!

Ok, so my friend and photographer extraordinaire, Kristen Sizemore came over this week to take some pics of the kids, and she is AMAZING!!! Before she started shooting, she spent some time playing with Tyler so he could warm up to her. In the 3 hours she was at the house, Tyler managed to fall head over heels for her. He has watched for her car to pull into the driveway every day since the photo shoot. Kristen is an artist with her photography and has such a passion for what she does. When you are ready to get some pics of the fam, I will give you her number..she is AWESOME!! Thanks again Kristen for spending a great afternoon with us. Tyler is in LUB with you!

Chain Quiz...I Know...the things we do for those we love!

So, I know that chain quizzes are really silly, but I love my friend are 7 random facts about me... 1. I have a hair phobia! Abnormally hairy people truly frighten me. 2. I have broken my left arm 3 times in the same place. They called me Skinny McGinty growing up and I was a little clumsy in my lanky body. 3. I dream of playing bass for a great band someday! 4. I would love to have one or two more babies. Blake is not exactly on board with this one yet, but, there are plenty of Texas cities waiting to become the first name of a Mullins'! 5. I struggle with being alone. I love to have people around...all the time! If I am by chance by myself, I am usually on the phone with a friend. 6. I can NOT toot. No seriously, unless I am pregnant I really struggle with passing gas! 7. I ADORE food network. Although I usually do not have time to cook the great recipes I see, I have fun fantasizing of being a gourmet chef! Alright, there you have it. I tag Emily Tilly

"Mommy, I hit the Blue One!!"

Potty training has been a bit of a challenge in the Mullins household for...oh about the past YEAR!! But, I say with under-my-breath excitement that we are finally rounding the corner on this seemingly easy task. I have struggled with the right way to potty train Tyler. I have always heard that you should not discipline your children when teaching them to use the potty, but when you have a strong willed child who has the know-how and the ability and yet still chooses to crap(excuse the terminology but give me a break here) in his pants, one begins to think differently. I started putting Tyler in time out if he did not keep his pull-up clean and dry but this just resulted in frustration for both of us. Using the potty was the one last area of Tyler's life that he had control over. So, my little warrior was hanging on to that control with all his might. I decided to put on my creative cap and as Pooh would say, "think, think, think". I came to the conclusion that I needed t

Katy Elizabeth makes her Debut!! for those of you who are not interested in silly home videos documenting how adorable my kids are, this post is not for you! But, I just had to get some footage of my beautiful baby girl today to share with my friends and family who are out of town. Enjoy! Oh and please forgive the silly mommy noises in the background. :)

A Heavenly Mandate

Have you ever had a day that your confidence felt so tried that you just wanted to throw in the towel? I must admit that I have had several of those days in the past couple of months. On the days that Tyler has thrown a temper for the 5th time and Katy has cried for hours without end, I ask myself if I am really cut out for the task at hand. Am I really equipped to raise these two kids with patience, humility, love, and discernment? I have always heard that God will not give you more than you can handle, but, at times I think that God thinks more of me than I do. I am in the middle of a ladies bible study at our church and we are reading a book called, Raising Children without Going Insane . I would definitely recommend it to every mom reading this entry. It is chock full of Godly wisdom for every stage of being a mom. One of the chapters we read last week was about our confidence as moms, and I would love to share a little morsel of insight with you. The author, Jane Evans, says, &quo