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Showing posts from July, 2008

Katy Bug is 6 Months Old

I can not believe that my baby girl is already half-way to being a year old. I must say that she is GORGEOUS and has such an amazing personality, demanding at times, but amazing nonetheless. Just a few things Katy is doing at the moment(my friend Rebekah has been documenting her baby Gracie's milestones, so I am going to copy her idea!! Thanks Rebekah! :) - She already loves to sing. When I am singing her favorite lullabies as I rock her gently to sleep at night, she hums along, showing me that she has a love for music even now! I love to listen to her sweet voice, and know that I will always be her biggest fan! - She is enamored with her big brother. Tyler can do or say anything and Katy is in stitches, thrilled to pieces that her brother has acknowledged her presence. Tyler is SUCH a good big brother. He kisses her for no reason throughout the day, just to love on her. They play so well together and I can not wait to see what the future holds for them. Their relationship


Kids say the darndest things don't they? Tyler has such a fun personality and the things that come out of his mouth keep me in stitches. Thought I would share a few of the random Tyler-isms that keep me entertained...enjoy! 1. Anytime we are in the car, Tyler is always looking for ways to make the drive more exciting. The other day, we were driving down 407 and I hear my little backseat driver shout, "Mommy, go real fast around the worms!!" At first I didn't understand, but soon realized that he was referring to the curves in the road, so now I always drive fast around "the worms" for the speed racer in Little T! 2. We usually have praise and worship music on in the car, and Tyler has a few songs that he loves to sing at the top of his lungs. One of his favorites is Beautiful One. Here is the Tyler remix: "Beautiful One, I love, Beautiful One, I'm a door"!! Makes me giggle everytime! 3. Tyler is a HUGE fan of the new Disney movie Camp Rock. He

Out of the Blogosphere

Hello to all of my fellow blogging friends. I'm sorry I have not posted in ages! I have had PLENTY to write about, just not enough time. I really felt convicted about my priorities about a month ago, and so I needed to restructure the way I spend the precious time that the Lord has blessed me with. But, I do plan to start posting on a weekly basis again now that I have things in our household a little more organized. Thanks for having patience with me as I have been away from the blogosphere. Stay tuned for more insight into My World View!!